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What Every Wall Street Professional Needs to Know about Dodd-Frank (in Less Than 40 Pages)
The one thing everyone knows about the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act is that it is long. Beyond that, most financial professionals haven't read it. And who could blame you if you haven't sat down and churned through the nearly 1,000 pages?
To save you some time, we've created the Dodd-Frank Cheat Sheet, which, at just under 40 pages, is a quick read that will get you up to speed on the intricacies of the historic Dodd-Frank Legislation. Download your free copy today!
With or without the Cheat Sheet, Dodd-Frank is important. Extremely important. Remember Reg NMS, the regulation that changed equities trading and ushered in new business models, fragmentation, high-frequency trading and more? Well, Reg NMS doesn't hold a stick to Dodd-Frank.
Dodd-Frank touches on virtually every part of financial services (and then some -- see the section on Blood Diamonds, for example) and includes some drastic changes to the ways financial firms will conduct business. Luckily for you, Wall Street & Technology's editors, in partnership with the other editors in the InformationWeek Financial Services group, have done what you haven't -- we've read the entire legislation and streamlined the voluminous and historic document into a 39-page Dodd-Frank Cheat Sheet.
Wall Street professionals will want to pay particular attention to Title IV, which addresses hedge fund and adviser registration; Title VII, which seeks to increase transparency in the OTC derivatives market; an Title VIII, which gives regulators broader powers to mitigate systemic risk. But there are many provisions scattered throughout the Dodd-Frank Act that will impact capital markets firms. So take a few extra minutes to read through the entire Dodd-Frank Cheat Sheet -- you might be surprised by what you learn.
While the Dodd-Frank Cheat Sheet is by no means a substitute for reading the entire Act, it will help you gain an understanding of the implications and intricacies of the law. Without studying the entire epic.
The Dodd-Frank Cheat Sheet is available for free -- just click the button below. If you haven't already signed up for exclusive digital content from Wall Street & Technology or from one of our sibling brands in the InformationWeek Business Technology Network, you'll be asked to register. (Membership is free and takes only a few minutes.)
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