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Trading Technology

03:51 PM
Maria Santos
Maria Santos
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Product Watch

LSE Improves Real-Time Data; Portfolio Systems Upgrades; Capco Streamlines Research

Portfolio Systems Upgrades

Portfolio Systems, a provider of investment management technology products, recently released an upgrade of its Portfolio Director product. "With this version, we really got a handle on a lot of the major enhancements we wanted it to have on the software side," says Bob Yacobucci, PSI's president.

Portfolio Director 6.0 includes benchmark comparison, advanced asset allocation reporting, new fixed-income assets and historical position reporting. It also supports several new major brokerage firms for importing data directly from the client's brokerage account, providing a single repository for managing client investments.

"A lot of our clients were looking for software that would allow them to go back and look at a historical view of the portfolio," Yacobucci says. "The new version allows them to ... see how well [the portfolio is] managed over time and not just where it is today."



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